Necrophilia: A Complex Intersection of Crime and Psychological Disorder


  • P Chatterjee HOD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, ICFAI University, Raipur, India & Research Fellow at Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan.



Paraphilia, Necrophilia, Rape, Necrophagia


Necrophilia, the act of engaging in sexual activity with a dead body, represents a disturbing and rare form of paraphilia. This research  paper explores the historical origins, psychological aspects, and legal dimensions of necrophilia, focusing on its classification into  different classes based on intent and actions. Through the analysis of numerous case studies from various regions, the motivations behind  such acts are examined, ranging from psychological disorders to revenge and sadism. The paper emphasises the need for specialised  diagnosis and treatment, as necrophilia can manifest in different ways, from accidental tactile arousal during medical dissections to  deliberate mutilation of corpses. Distinguishing between necrophilia as a psychological issue and as a criminal act is crucial, necessitating  the involvement of both criminological and psychological expertise in handling such cases. To ascertain whether necrophilia should be  considered a crime or a psychological disorder, the paper investigates the context of each incident, including the victim's cause of death  and any prior sexual assaults. It calls for increased public awareness to facilitate early detection and appropriate treatment, preventing the  escalation of these disturbing behaviours. The distinction between criminal necrophilia and paraphilic necrophilia is essential in  determining suitable punishment and ensuring that those with psychological disorders receive medical care and rehabilitation to address  their aberrant urges. In conclusion, this research forms the groundwork for comprehensive legal provisions and psychological support  systems to address the complex intersection of necrophilia as a crime and as a mental health issue.


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How to Cite

Chatterjee , P. (2023). Necrophilia: A Complex Intersection of Crime and Psychological Disorder . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 45(2), 193-198.