Study of Os Zygomaticum Bipartitum In Skulls of Central India


  • Ashutosh S Mangalgiri Professor, Department of Anatomy Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Near Bairagarh, Bhopal; MP 462030
  • Dibya K Satpathy Prof, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology L. N. Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal
  • Rajendra Bhojwani Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Radiodiagnosis People‟s College of Medical Sciences & RC, Bhopal



Zygomatic bone, Suture, Os Japonicum, Fracture


Zygomatic bone is commonly known as cheek bone, forms prominence of cheek. Present study  was conducted on 228 zygomatic bones of 114 dry skulls. Zygomatic bone may divide into two parts  either by horizontal or vertical suture. A horizontal suture was observed dividing the zygomatic bone into  two parts in two zygomatic bones out of 228 zygomatic bones studied (0.87%). An inferior type of  horizontal suture was observed dividing the zygomatic bone. Two zygomatic bones belong to the same  skull i.e. bilateral bipartite zygomatic bone. Suture can be well identified by radiography and CT scan.  Primary cartilaginous joint between sphenoid and basi-occiput was not ossified. Complete  metopic suture was also observed. Condition is a rare one and therefore can be easily misinterpreted as  zygomatic bone fracture in medico legal cases. Therefore the condition should be kept in mind by  Forensic experts and maxillofacial surgeons. Both CT scan and Radiography are important tolls in the  diagnosis of zygomatic suture and should be considered as primary diagnostic tools in the diagnosis of  suture. Presence of zygomaticum bipartitum is addition to the literature.  


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How to Cite

Mangalgiri, A. S., Satpathy, D. K., & Bhojwani , R. (2015). Study of Os Zygomaticum Bipartitum In Skulls of Central India. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 37(1), 59-61.