Husain-Usmani Model for Grief Truncation Acronym “Seeding of Solace” (SOS): An Integrated Approach


  • Munawwar Husain Professor & formerly Medical Superintendent & Principal, School of Nursing, Dept. of Forensic Medicine J N Medical College, AMU, Aligarh 202 002
  • Javed Ahmad Usmani Prof &Chairman Dept. of Forensic Medicine, JNMC, AMU, Aligarh



Grief Counselling, Bereaved, Husain-Usmani Model, Seeding of Solace, SOS


There are various situations that require consolation for the bereaved. Each one of the situation  demands special task to be effective. This study focuses exclusively on grief counselling of the bereaved  restricted to the mortuary. It is the culmination of decades of cumulative experience of the authors in dealing with myriad complexities associated with autopsy, the thin line of balance required to be  maintained with confidentiality and disclosure, and at the same time discharging the task of counselling in  a highly charged atmosphere some time bordering rebellion. An attempt has been made to construct a  model named “Husain-Usmani Model for Grief Truncation acronym „Seeding of Solace‟ (SOS).  It is hoped that by following this model some level of amelioration of grief could be achieved and  the situation could be saved from getting worse aptly a distress call SOS - Save Our Soul. At the same  time it is advised that personal discretion is required tantamount to situational freaks because no two  situations are alike. 


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How to Cite

Husain, M., & Usmani , J. A. (2015). Husain-Usmani Model for Grief Truncation Acronym “Seeding of Solace” (SOS): An Integrated Approach . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 37(1), 75-77.