Cheiloscopy: A Tool for Personal and Forensic Identification


  • V K Chimurkar Prof, Dept. of Anatomy ,J.N.M.C, Wardha, M.P
  • Sudhir Ninave Professor Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology J.N.M.C, Wardha, M.P
  • Purva Sharma M.B.B.S. Student, Final Year ,Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology J.N.M.C, Wardha, M.P
  • Sanjot Ninave Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesia ,Dept. of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology J.N.M.C, Wardha, M.P



Lip Prints, Cheiloscopy, Identification, Odontology


Skin over the lips is known to have patterns of ridges and furrows, study of which is known as  cheiloscopy. Besides the traditional methods of identification like finger printing, sex determination, age  determination, anthropometry and DNA analysis, cheiloscopy is gaining popularity among researchers  because of a hassle free methodology and reliable results with developments in the fields of Forensic  Medicine and Odontology, proving itself as a credible method of identification. To study the significance of  studying lip prints in personal identification, a study of lip prints was conducted in Department of Anatomy,  in collaboration with Department of Forensic Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Sawangi  (Meghe), Wardha; on 100 undergraduate medical students aged between 17 to 20 years. The lip prints  were studied with the help of a magnifying lens using Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification. The study  concluded that lip prints are unique for every individual, and cheiloscopy can be practised as a reliable  method for personal and Forensic identification. 


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How to Cite

Chimurkar, V. K., Ninave, S., Sharma, P., & Ninave , S. (2016). Cheiloscopy: A Tool for Personal and Forensic Identification . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 38(1), 15-17.