A Study on Various Methods Adopted For Masquerading Murders


  • Hema Sundar Pydi Senior Resident, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Andhara Medical College, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
  • P Umamaheswara Rao Assoc. Prof,Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Andhara Medical College, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh




Murder cases, Post-mortem examination, Crime scene visit, Methods of masquerading


Homicide is killing of a person by another. With ever increasing knowledge availability to people,  fear of conviction and evolving technologies, people are trying to showcase the crime in other way. Here  we studied the various methods employed by the accused, to showcase the murdered person in a way  other than the actual method of murder. A total of eight such cases were found during the study period. 1)  wife was stabbed to death, body dismembered at joints and disposed at various garbage bins, 2) thief  was throttled to death and thrown over road to showcase as RTA, 3) Member of a robbery gang was  hanged, cuts were made over is wrist to showcase as suicide, 4) old woman was throttled to death and  thrown into big drainage to show as accidental drowning, 5) worker was throttled to death and left long in  an isolated place till decomposition, 6) a person was beaten to death over neck and thrown over road to  show as an RTA, 7) A person was beaten to death over head and thrown in shallow drain to show as  accidental drowning, 8) a woman was smothered to death and burnt to show as suicidal burns. 


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Reddy K.S. Narayan. The Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 13th edition, publisher: K.Suguna Devi, hyderabad, Ch.10, P. 264-265.

Statistics Canada, CANSIM, Table 253-0002, Homicide Survey, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics.

Pilay V V. Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 16th edition. s.l. : Paras medical publisher, Hyderabad, 2011, Ch. 14, P. 260-286.

Apurba Nandy. Priciples of Forensic Medicine Including Toxicology, 3rd edition, publisher: new central book agency (p) ltd., New Delhi, 2011 – Ch. 16, P. 517-564.

Bernard Knight, Pekka Saukko. Knight’s Forensic Pathology, 3rd edition, publisher: Saffron House, London, 2004, Ch. 8, P. 352-367. 6. J K Mason, B N Prude. The Pathology of Trauma, 3rd edition, publisher: Holder headline group, London, 2000, Ch. 15, Pg. 230- 253.

Laster Adelson, Amuel R. Gerber, Pathology of Homicide Vol.-II, Chapter IX, Homicide by fire. Page 576.




How to Cite

Pydi, H. S., & Rao , P. U. (2016). A Study on Various Methods Adopted For Masquerading Murders . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 38(1), 39-41. https://doi.org/10.48165/