Hepatic Injury in Poisoning Cases: An Autopsy Study


  • Niranjan P Khadilkar Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Pathology , Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
  • K R Nagesh Professor &HOD, Department of Forensic Medicine, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
  • Preethi Rai Assist.Prof, Dept. of Pathology ,Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
  • Annie Varghese Medical Graduate ,Department of Forensic Medicine, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore
  • Nikita Surana Medical Graduate ,Department of Forensic Medicine, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore




Poisoning, Hepatotoxicity, Liver Pathology, Liver function test


Poisons act on various organs in the body that may result in fatality. In the present study, the liver  pathology in various poisoning cases was studied in autopsied bodies that were conducted in a tertiary  care hospital in Mangalore. The incidence of poisoning was equal in third, fourth and fifth decades with  male to female ratio 7:3. The predominant poison responsible for fatality was Organophosphorus  compound followed by Pyrethyroid, zinc sulphide and Carbamates. Majority of the victims survived for  less than 6 hours. Serum bilirubin level was raised in organophosphate, Pyrethyroid and zinc phosphide  poisoning. Serum liver enzyme levels were raised in zinc phosphide, copper sulphate, Pyrethyroid and  organophosphate poisoning. Congestion was the predominant gross finding seen in all the poisoning  cases. Yellowish discoloration of liver was mainly seen in paraquat, zinc phosphide and organophosphate  poisoning. The predominant microscopic finding was congestion, steatosis, periportal lymphocytic  infiltration, intrahepatic haemorrhage, centrilobular necrosis and intrahepatic cholestasis. 


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Benzodiazepines Copper sulphate Formic acid

Sulphuric acid


Zinc phosphide


Organophosphate + … Pyrethroid




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Fig. 3: Duration of Survivability of Cases > 10 days

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How to Cite

Khadilkar, N. P., Nagesh, K. R., Rai, P., Varghese, A., & Surana , N. (2016). Hepatic Injury in Poisoning Cases: An Autopsy Study. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 38(1), 59-62. https://doi.org/10.48165/