Assessment of Perception and Interest by Clinical Rotation Students Towards Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal in the Surabaya Region, Indonesia
Forensic medicine and medicolegal, Perception, Interests, Medical student career, SpecialistAbstract
This study aimed to determine medical students' perception and interest in Forensic Medicine and Medicolegal (FMM). In the Cross sectional study, the tool used is an online questionnaire with a content validity ratio of zero point seven hundred fifty, the type of questionnaire is a Likert-type question. The sample of this research is clinical rotation students who have passed the FMM station. Sampling using the purposive sampling method with the Slovin formula. Atotal of one hundred and twelve respondents from five medical faculties were involved in this research. Based on Spearman's statistical test, shows a positive correlation between perception and interest but the correlation level is quite adequate or moderate level (r=.394, N=112, p= Sig. (2-tailed) 0.00, Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.01). The lowest level on the question points to an interest in continuing the FMM specialist career. Clinical rotation students in the Surabaya area have a positive correlation between perceptions and interest in FMM, but the correlation level is moderate, especially in continuing their careers in FMM. This is a challenge for the world of medical education and the Ministry of Health of the need for forensic medicine and medicolegal services that are not evenly distributed in Indonesia.
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