Comparative Evaluation of Gunshot Residue Collection Techniques: A Preliminary Study


  • A Parmar Ballistic Research Centre and Testing Range, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar.
  • H Parvathy School of Engineering and Technology, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar.
  • P Maity School of Engineering and Technology, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar.
  • R G Babu Ballistic Research Centre and Testing Range, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar.



Gunshot residue, EDXRF, 9mm Carbine, AK-47, Self loading Rifle (SLR), Mass spectroscopy


The collection and evaluation of GSR distributed in a firearm-related scene is crucial in the resolution of most crime cases involving  firearm. The study was conducted in an indoor firing range (Ballistic Research Centre and Testing Range) with a controlled room  o temperature and humidity of 30 C and 56% respectively. Firing was performed using three different long range firearms; AK-47 rifle (7.62  × 39mm calibre), Self-Loading Rifle-SLR (7.62 × 51mm calibre) and Carbine rifle (9 × 19mm calibre). Atotal of 60 rounds comprising 20  shots each from AK-47, SLR and 9mm Carbine rifle were performed. Samples were further subjected to qualitative and quantitative  examination using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Florescence (EDXRF-7000, Shimadzu) and Mass Spectroscopy. The results of the study  analysis indicated that, the best collection technique that may enhance quantification of enough GSR deposit was in the order of; barrel  was > hand swab> GSR at an angle of 90˚ > GSR at an angle of 45˚. The simultaneous presence of Pb, Ba, and Sb which serves as a  requirement to fix the identity of GSR is most likely to be sufficiently detected in GSR samples collected through barrel wash relative to  hand swab of the shooter. 


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How to Cite

Parmar , A., Parvathy , H., Maity , P., & Babu , R. G. (2023). Comparative Evaluation of Gunshot Residue Collection Techniques: A Preliminary Study . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 45(4), 391-395.