Pattern and Distribution of Head Injuries in Fatal Road Traffic Accidents in Bhopal Region of Central India


  • Rajeev Kumar Banzal Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Bundelkhand (Govt.) Medical College, Sagar, M.P.
  • Ashish Jaiin Assist. Prof, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, M.P
  • Jayanthi Yadav Assoc. Prof & HOD, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, M.P
  • B P Dubey Prof & Dean, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, M.P



Road traffic accident, Fatal, Head injuries, Fracture, Skull


Accidents are not due to external factors all the time but often they occur due to failure of control  of self -conscience and free thoughts. Road Traffic Accidents is still the major cause of death worldwide  including India. A prospective study has been conducted in Gandhi Medical College Bhopal, in the year  2010 to study the pattern and distribution of Head Injuries of fatal road traffic accidents and to prepare the  demographic profile of it. Out of total 282 cases, male to female ratio was 10:1, and commonest age  group affected was 21-30 years (30.5%). Among total victims, Hindus were 255 (90%) and rests were  Muslims (9%) and other religions. Total hospitalized cases were 172 (61%). Head injury was the most  common injury, present alone in 130 cases (46%) and in 220(78%) cases along with other injuries. Skull  fractures were found in 195(69%), in which linear/fissure fracture (32.9%) was most common. Most common bone fractured was temporal bone (n=122, 43.26%).The commonest variety of intracranial  hemorrhage was subdural hemorrhage (n=214, 75.88%) and craniotomy was done in 20 (7.09%) cases. 


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How to Cite

Banzal, R. K., Jaiin, A., Yadav, J., & Dubey , B. P. (2015). Pattern and Distribution of Head Injuries in Fatal Road Traffic Accidents in Bhopal Region of Central India . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 37(3), 242-245.