Estimation of Adult Human Stature from Measurements of Inter-Acromial Length in Gujarati Population of India


  • Sweta H Patel Dept. of Forensic Medicine All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal
  • Binaya Kumar Bastia Addl. Prof, Dept. of Forensic Medicine All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh
  • Lavlesh Kumar Prof & HOD, Dept. of Forensic Medicine SBKS Medical Institute and Research Centre, Vadodara
  • Senthil Kumaran M 4Senior Resident, Dept. of FMT JIPMER, Pudducherry



Stature estimation, Inter-acromial length, Forensic anthropology, Regression equation


Stature is one of the biological characteristics often used in Forensic Anthropology, both to help  build profiles for unidentified individuals and to support putative identifications. Frequently fragmentary  remnants are brought to a Forensic expert for investigation purpose. It is, therefore, necessary to have  different formulae for the determination of stature using measurement of different body parts. The aim of  this study was to estimate the stature from anthropometric measurement of inter-acromial length and derive a linear regression equation. A total of 300 subjects (150 males and 150 females) of SBKS Medical  Institute & Research Center, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Vadodara, Gujarat belonging to the age group 22 – 44 years were selected for the study. The stature and inter-acromial length of each subject were  measured with the help of a stadiometer, spreading caliper and self-retracting tape measure. There exists  a positive correlation between the stature and the inter-acromial length in both males and females  combined (p <0.001), which was highly significant. Our study also showed low degree of positive  correlation in case of males & females measured separately. P- Value is highly significant (p <0.001) in all  the cases.  


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How to Cite

Patel, S. H., Bastia, B. K., Kumar, L., & Kumaran M , S. (2016). Estimation of Adult Human Stature from Measurements of Inter-Acromial Length in Gujarati Population of India . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 37(4), 365-368.