Estimation of Stature from Radiological Measurement of Sternal Length with Corroboration in Living Individuals A Study in Contemporary Bengali Adults


  • Soumeek Chowdhuri PG student 2nd year Department of Forensic State Medicine, BMC Burdwan, West Bengal
  • Parthapratim Mukhopadhayay Prof & Head, Dept. of FSM Department of Forensic State Medicine, BMC Burdwan, West Bengal



Forensic anthropology, Stature estimation, Sternal length, linear regression


The role of Forensic anthropology to derive alternative and newer modes of identification is  increasing every day. The simple and inexpensive means of measurement of radiological length of  sternum from digital radiographs and its use to estimate stature in a contemporary Indian (Bengali)  population is the aim of this study. By generation of linear regression equations for male and female from  this data we propose to estimate the stature and compare the same from the stature available from  measurement of the individuals. Thus we shall be able to predict the accuracy with which such projection  from radiological assessment is applicable. In this study the standard error of estimate for the male model  is 2.943 and correlation coefficient is 0.636. The r square for the model is 0.4. In this study the standard  error of estimate for the female model is 2.230 and correlation coefficient is 0.843. R square =0.7. The present investigation shows that estimation of stature by this method has its shortcomings in  terms of accuracy and therefore be used only as an alternative for practical Forensic purpose. 


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How to Cite

Chowdhuri, S., & Mukhopadhayay , P. (2016). Estimation of Stature from Radiological Measurement of Sternal Length with Corroboration in Living Individuals A Study in Contemporary Bengali Adults . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 37(4), 388-391.