Pattern of Head injuries in Homicidal deaths at Jaipur During 2012-13, India: An Autopsy based Study


  • R K Punia Professor & HOD, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, SMS Medical College, Jaipur
  • Anil Yadav Senior Demonstrator, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, SMS Medical College, Jaipur
  • Lalchand Resident



Head injury, Defense wound, Blunt weapon, Skull fracture


Inflicting injury to the head is one of the most effective methods of homicide. The aim of the  present study was to evaluate the pattern of head injury among homicidal death victims. In present study  72 cases of homicidal deaths were studied. Males were victimized Three and half times more than  females. Majority of cases were in 21-40 years of age comprising of 34 cases (47.43%). Majority of  victims were married in 55 cases (76.38%). Injuries were inflicted by blunt weapons in significant number  of cases; 48 cases (66.67%) which were followed by injuries by sharp weapons in 14 cases (19.45%).  The skull was fractured in 75% of victims. Most common pattern observed was combination of  SDH & SAH along with skull fracture in 32 cases (44.44%). The majority of the victims (55.5%) died  instantly or within 24 hours. Defense wound were present in 47.2% of the victims. The information gained  from this type of analysis can be used by law enforcement authorities to curtail the amount of violence  present in today’s society.  


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How to Cite

Punia, R. K., Yadav, A., & Lalchand. (2014). Pattern of Head injuries in Homicidal deaths at Jaipur During 2012-13, India: An Autopsy based Study . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 36(3), 242-245.