A Conflicting Case of Strangulation: A Case Report


  • S D Wakde Assistant Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur. Maharashtra




Ligature mark, Abrasions, Neck tissue injuries, Homicide


A female aged 25 year was brought with a history of found unconscious at home, the body was  sent to Government Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad, Maharashtra for a medico legal post  mortem. Deceased was having a ligature mark over anterior aspect of neck suggesting it as a case of  hanging accompanied by few external injuries like abrasions over face and chest consistent with fall at  ground level. On conclusion of autopsy, the cause of death was found to be strangulation. The process of strangulation, whether by hand (manual) or by ligature, results in blunt force injury  of the tissues of neck. The pattern of these injuries allow us to recognize strangulation as a mechanism ,  and to distinguish strangulation from other blunt injuries including hanging, traumatic blows to the neck,  and artifacts of decomposition. These classical finding were absent in this case. Absence of these  characteristic findings could easily misinterpret such a case as that of hanging. Therefore I am presenting  this case. 


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How to Cite

Wakde , S. D. (2014). A Conflicting Case of Strangulation: A Case Report . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 36(3), 327-328. https://doi.org/10.48165/