Suicidal Death due to Stabbing: A Case of Rare Occurrence


  • Kh Pradipkumar Singh Demonstrator Department of Forensic Medicine, RIMS, Imphal
  • Supriya Keisham Demonstrator ,Department of Forensic Medicine, RIMS, Imphal
  • Kamei Rishilu Junior Resident ,Department of Forensic Medicine, RIMS, Imphal
  • Th Meera Devi Assoc. Prof, Department of Forensic Medicine, RIMS, Imphal



Suicide, Suicidal stab injury, Self-inflicted, Wound


Stabbing is one of the commonest means of homicide. Everyone prefers a painless death and  stabbing is not a preferred means of suicide, especially for a female. In this paper, a case of an 18 years old girl who was found dead in a pool of blood on a bed inside a locked room under suspicious  circumstances with multiple stab injuries to the abdomen is presented. A thorough post-mortem  examination plays a crucial role in assisting the investigating agency to arrive at the possible manner of  death. In such a case with multiple abdominal stab injuries, only after a meticulous autopsy, it was  labelled as a case of suicide. Self-stabbing is comparatively uncommon and there is a male  predominance over female and amongst the female self-inflicted stabbing cases, the one with multiple  stab injuries is even rarer, and this paper is presented considering extreme rarity of such a case.  


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How to Cite

Singh, K. P., Keisham, S., Rishilu, K., & Devi , T. M. (2015). Suicidal Death due to Stabbing: A Case of Rare Occurrence. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 36(4), 434-436.