Abdominal Organ Involvement in Blunt Injuries


  • Mousami Singh Lecturer Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology CSM Medical University, Lucknow
  • Amit Kumar Associate Professor, Subharti Medical College, Meerut CSM Medical University, Lucknow
  • Anoop Kumar Verma Associate Professor, Subharti Medical College, Meerut CSM Medical University, Lucknow
  • Sanjeet Kumar Lecturer, BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur
  • Abhas Kumar Singh Associate Professor Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences, Bareilly




Blunt Injuries, Vehicular Accident, Visceral Injuries


Visceral injuries of the abdomen following blunt trauma present a great medico-legal problem to  the forensic experts. Thus the doctor should remain alert to the development of signs and symptom after  blunt trauma to the abdomen in vehicular accident otherwise he may be charged of negligence. Among  55 fatal cases of blunt abdominal injury, maximum number of cases belongs to the age group 20-29 yrs.  Males were the predominant victims with ratio 4:1. It was found that road traffic accidents by heavy  vehicle like bus; car and truck were responsible for 70% of blunt abdominal injuries. Among 55 cases of  blunt injury, the incidence of the involvement of liver, spleen, small intestine, kidney, stomach and urinary  bladder were 67%, 30.91%, 18%, 10.9%, 9.09%, 5% cases respectively. Genitals were found injured in 3%  cases of blunt injury abdomen. For Blunt Injuries of Abdomen majority of the cases i.e. 78.18% were of  accidental, 18.18% were homicidal and 3.6% suicidal in nature. Immediate cause of death was shock and  hemorrhage and in those cases where death was delayed, cause of death was septicemia. 


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How to Cite

Singh, M., Kumar, A., Verma, A. K., Kumar, S., & Singh , A. K. (2012). Abdominal Organ Involvement in Blunt Injuries . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 34(1), 24-26. https://doi.org/10.48165/