Nomenclature for Knot Position in Hanging A Study of 200 cases


  • D S Badkur Director, Medicolegal Institute Bhopal, M.P
  • Jayanthi Yadav Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, M.P. India
  • Arneet Arora Prof., Bundelkhand Medical College, Sagar, M.P.
  • Ranjan Bajpayee Assoc. Prof., AJ Medical College, Mangalore,
  • B P Dubey Prof. & Head, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal



Hanging, Nomenclature, Knot Position


Hanging is one of the common methods of committing suicide world wide. Position of the knot, in  hanging cases is important as it determines the post-mortem findings of the head and face and can also  be used to predict the expected autopsy findings. Although hanging has been described in forensic  literature since ages, there has been no proper scientific nomenclature for classifying the position of knot  in hanging cases. This paper describes a new nomenclature of exact knot position on the neck based on  commonly used anatomical landmarks with self explanatory terms of classification, so that it can be  understood and used by the autopsy surgeons and the pathologists with ease.  In the present study 200 cases of hanging were studied retrospectively and position of knot is  classified according to a newly described nomenclature. The new nomenclature classifies the position of  knot into 6 major classes each of which are further subdivided into 3 subcategories thus making 18  different positions on each side of neck. The most common position of knot was found at occipitomastoid  region (32%) and the least common position being at mental region (2%). 


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How to Cite

Badkur, D. S., Yadav, J., Arora, A., Bajpayee, R., & Dubey , B. P. (2012). Nomenclature for Knot Position in Hanging A Study of 200 cases . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 34(1), 34-36.