An analysis of medicolegal autopsies in a tertiary care centre in West Bengal - A morgue-based study


  • Shobhan Roy Department of F.M.T., Deben Mahata (Purulia) Government Medical College, Purulia, West Bengal.
  • Shagun Thakur Department of F.M.T., Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) & PBMH, Bhubaneswar
  • Sumanta Malick Department of F.M.T., Deben Mahata (Purulia) Government Medical College, Purulia, West Bengal.
  • Vikas Gurbani Department of F.M.T., Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) & PBMH, Bhubaneswar


Autopsy profile, Hanging, Medico legal autopsy, Road traffic injuries


Medico legal autopsy is a statutory requirement in all cases of sudden, suspicious and unnatural deaths. Profiling of these autopsies  helps one to understand the pattern seen among them and guide the investigating authorities and the health promotion & prevention  programmes to direct their measures in this respect. The present study is a retrospective, cross-sectional, record-based study carried  out in a mortuary under Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology at Purulia GMCH. Out of the total 1137 medicolegal autopsies, 225  cases were of brought-dead cases. Among the unnatural deaths, the most frequent cases were due to hanging (282 cases, 24.8%)  followed by road traffic accidents (176 cases, 15.47%) and burns (99 cases, 8.7%). According to the gender, 761 cases (66.93%) were  of males, 368 cases (32.36%) were females and in 8 cases (0.7%) the gender could not be ascertained (foetuses) on autopsy  examination alone. Majority of the cases belonged to the age group of 21-30 years (261 cases, 22.95%) followed by 31-40 years (216  cases,18.99%) and 41-50 years (165 cases, 14.51%). Death due to road traffic injuries is a preventable occurrence and proper safety  riding measures should be observed by all. Although legislation is in place for sale and purchase of poisonous substances, but still it  has to be well implemented. 


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How to Cite

Roy , S., Thakur, S., Malick, S., & Gurbani , V. (2021). An analysis of medicolegal autopsies in a tertiary care centre in West Bengal - A morgue-based study . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 43(3), 232-234.