Obstacles in the Pathway of Creating an Empathetic Indian Medical Graduate -An AETCOM Perspective


  • Sunil M Doshi Professor and Head, Department of Forensic Medicine and toxicology, Dr. N.D. Desai Faculty of Medical Science and Research, Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad.


To achieve the goal of making an Indian Medical graduate  competent enough to practice the medicine appropriately and  effectively in the community while being globally relevant, a  newly structured longitudinal programme on attitude, ethics and  communication, popularly cited as “AETCOM”, has been  introduced in addition to the new set of competency based  curriculum. To incorporate the AETCOM programme within  medical graduation, certain guidelines have been prescribed.  However, effective implementation of this concept still needs  attention as there are some discrepancies and grey areas in the  recommended strategies. 


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How to Cite

Doshi , S. M. (2022). Obstacles in the Pathway of Creating an Empathetic Indian Medical Graduate -An AETCOM Perspective. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 44(3), 104-105. https://jiafm.in/index.php/jiafm/article/view/47