A Comparative Analysis of Pattern of Homicidal Deaths among Males and Females in a District of West Bengal


  • A Chakrovarty Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Malda Medical College,West Bengal.
  • A Bhattacharjee Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Malda Medical College,West Bengal.
  • A Mazumder Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Malda Medical College,West Bengal.


Malda, Homicide, Illicit sexual relation, Strangulation


An observational, cross-sectional study was undertaken among all cases of unlawful homicidal deaths during one year in Malda district of  West Bengal to find out the pattern of homicidal deaths, to compare the differences between male and female homicidal deaths and also to  find any relationship with social and demographic factors. It was found that most of the female victims are in reproductive age-group and  they were most commonly killed by manual and ligature strangulation whereas the male victims of homicide were mostly in economically  productive age group and they were most commonly killed by mechanical injuries like incised wound, penetrating wound, head injury and  gunshot injuries. The difference between males and females regarding cause of death was significant. The antecedent history of illicit  sexual relations leading to homicide was significantly more among females. It was also seen that illicit sexual behaviour led to homicide in  most of the unmarried or divorced female victims whereas in case of married woman, illicit sexual behaviour of the husband led to  homicide of that woman in about fifty percent of the cases. Disputes regarding money or property was the major antecedent history among  male homicide victims. So awareness should be built-up among unmarried, separated and divorced woman against illicit sexual  relationship. Adult and earning male members of the family should be cautioned about debt traps and also should be made aware about  procedures of legal action to be taken in case of property dispute with relatives and neighbours. 


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How to Cite

Chakrovarty, A., Bhattacharjee, A., & Mazumder , A. (2022). A Comparative Analysis of Pattern of Homicidal Deaths among Males and Females in a District of West Bengal . Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, 44(3), 50-54. https://jiafm.in/index.php/jiafm/article/view/60